Addictions Evaluation and Treatment


Addictions, Substances and compulsive behavior patterns treated

  • Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
  • Drug Abuse and Dependence
  • Prescription Drug Abuse
  • Behavioral/Relational Compulsive patterns and behaviors
  • Compulsive internet use
  • Compulsive Gambling
  • Inappropriate use of Facebook/Social networking
  • Online Gaming
  • Online Affairs
  • Cyber sex/Pornographic compulsivity
  • Compulsive online Shopping
  • Excessive smart phone usage

Addiction's Diagnostic Psychological Evaluation (Independent Medical Evaluation, if required)
The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the person is demonstrating signs or symptoms of a chemical or process/behavioral pattern of misuse, abuse or addictive process. The evaluation also assess the degree of the persons related psycho-emotional, social, occupational, familial, legal impairment. The evaluation can be for personal exploration or to respond to questions pertaining to occupational/professional fitness for duty, safety sensitive position dynamics, civil, family or criminal court related psycho-legal concerns or corporate security/due diligence related issues. The addictions evaluation is regularly and typically utilized for treatment planning and assisting individuals who find themselves in chronic relapse patterns. Second opinion addiction psychological evaluations are also often requested to determine the validity of a prior evaluation, diagnosis or opinion.

Addictions Treatment, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Treatment Programs:

Individual Addictions counselling and depth Psychotherapy
Outpatient Group Therapy (Ottawa weekly group)

Group therapy is often the treatment of choice clinically for people who may otherwise be quite isolated within both their professional and personal lives. Weekly groups focusing on both recovery as well as relapse prevention and renewal are held on an ongoing basis in the Ottawa area.

Emotional Sobriety Psychotherapy

It has been recognized since the very first days of the recovery movement that emotional sobriety is essential both in ensuring long term relapse prevention as well as contributing as a key component of healthy post addictions psycho-emotional wellbeing. Where a lack of emotional sobriety exists relapse will always be a serious risk. Even when chemical sobriety has been established a lack of emotional sobriety will serve as a serious detractor from a healthy emotional, psychological and relational life experience.
Individuals lacking emotional sobriety may recognize the following signs and symptoms:

  • An inability to regulate strong emotions such as anger, rage, anxiety, depression, sadness.
  • An inability to manage and regulate one's personal and inter-personal relationships and behavior.
  • An inability to engage in pleasurable and self care activities.
  • Inability to live fully in the moment being either pre-occupied with past wounds, trauma's, hurts or future related anxieties and worry.
  • Inability to resolve and move forward from long term family of origin related issues.
  • Inability to engage in healthy and emotionally intimate relationships.

Given the pervasiveness of lack of emotional sobriety issues found in the recovery journey and their impact on total sobriety maintenance and psycho-emotional, social and relational health my practice provides individual, and group psychotherapy to assist in addressing these issues. Retreats are also scheduled intermittently to provide intensive recovery experiences.


As world class distance and endurance athletes know there inevitably will come a time of complete psycho-emotional, physical inner spiritual exhaustion and potential collapse.

In the world of C-suits executive or high asset professional this personal and professional performance “dark night of the soul” is also a well-known and much feared possibility. In the corporate realm it emerges as addictions, psychological health disorders, severe stress, burnout and psychologically mediated serious physical health issues. This not only seriously impacts professional performance but due to its personal ramifications can severely impact an individual’s personal being, leaving the formerly high performer both unemployed as well as unemployable.

Recovering Executives and other formerly high performing professionals are intimately aware that to weather, survive and emerge from this ”dark night of the soul” that an effective program of recovery and relapse prevention is an absolute (see - Centre for Executive and Professional Recovery & Renewal). Experience has proven that recovery and relapse prevention are quite possible. The question in many recovery elite performer minds is whether renewed high performance can ever be reasonable goal.

Based in Ottawa, Canada, and delivered internationally our unique program takes Executive recovery coaching and renewal back into the high or elite performance direction. We believe that a deep awareness of the dynamics that led to “hitting the wall” along with a rich and ongoing program of recovery can if the recovering Executives desires lead towards the goal of a higher level of performance, satisfaction and personal and professional well-being previously non imagined. The program teaches that recovery has taught the individual new skills of deep emotional and spiritual intelligence, self-awareness and personal leadership that might not have been learned any other way. Utilizing the wisdom of recovery psychology, 12 step philosophy, mind fullness, neuro-biological self-regulation, emotional intelligence, authentic personal and professional leadership, recovery philosophy of a spirituality of imperfection, psychological resilience and mental toughness our program uniquely designed to promote ongoing recovery & renewal and high level professional and personal performance.